Quake 2    Action Quake     2006     Frag Movie

Posted by: medve   (Jul 16, 2013)







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A c t i o n Q 2 E v o l u t i o n

Settings (allways helpful for videomakers):

Encoder: Xvid
fps: 25 (u don`t need 30fps as most people think)
resolution: 640x480
Encoding type: Single pass
Target Rate: 2150kbs
*Quantization (the key of good looking video ;D ):
Max I-frame: 1
Min I-frame: 3
Max P-frame: 1
Min P-frame: 8
Max B-frame; 1
Min B-frame: 8

Encoder: MPEG Layer-3 (mp3)
Attributes: 48000hz, 128kbps CBR, Stereo

* Prodigy- Voodoo People
* Ultraspank- Click
* Billy Talent- Voice of Violence
* Paul Oakenfold- Ready Steady Go (ft.Asher D)
* <AQS>Mark3D- ActionRound (credits)

Programs Used:
*Keygrip2: For demo editing
*Aprq2: Q2 client (blood effect and particle effect)
*3Dmax5: models in general, bullet effect and Transitions, kick scene etc..
*Adobe After Effects 6.5: Text effect in Trainsitions and title
*Vegas Video 5.0: all the editing and sync
*Ulead VideoStudio8: Encoding (dont like Virtualdub =D )
*Photoshop CS: No comments


-> Can I contact u in msn?
A: No, My contact list is full (of people that I don`t know (lolż?)),
if u have questions and comments, just send me an email (panconlonga@gmail.com)

-> Can I ask you how did u made some stuffs in the video?
A: No, Im not a living tutorial. You can allways ask in
own-age.com forums.

-> How did u learn to make videos?
A: Nowere, Just playing with the programs, and reading tutorials

-> You work making videos?
A: Nop, actually I study engineer (lol?), I just do this for fun

-> Can u make my movie?
A: If u pay me of Ill think about it XD

-> Why this movie is called "Evolution"?
A: Because I wanted a name who make sense in spanish and english (evolucion in espańol =D )..

-> why u didn`t put =Vds=Dark-Soul in the credits
A: Because he is transvesti, I have pictures of him dreesed like a girl to proove it
(lol,I forgot him and Im to laizy to fix it)

-> Are u sexy?
A: of course I am 8)

This is my second and last ActionQ2 movie, I made it because I wanted
to put the actionQ2 movies on the next level, and because is the last movie
that I make for action I put some xtra stuffs and information to see if more
ActionQ2 moviemakers born after see this movie.
I learned just reading and playing with the programs as I said before,
videoedit takes time and if u don`t have pacience, try something else, like jumping out the window o.0

Sorry for the bad english, is the best I can do =D

Hope you like the movie

640 x 480 25fps XviD 2148Kbps 293 MB
  • song   Prodigy: Voodoo People
  • song   Ultraspank: Click
  • song   Billy Talnet: Voices of Violence
  • song   Paul Oakenfold: Ready Steady Go
  • song   Mark3D: ActionRound